Speaking, Retreats & Events from CCW Transformation Ministries
July 29-31
Rev. Dr. Geoff Hayes & Claire Cox-Woodlief Co-Leading
Be Curious, Not Judgmental Retreat
at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, 477 Grogan Rd., Stoneville, NC
In the ways of Walt Whitman, we hope you will join us in working towards curiosity – an opening of our mind to new ideas, new possibilities and new understandings. We don’t have to agree with ideas, opinions or behaviors that we find troublesome, but healthy curiosity can help move us to deeper compassion. This retreat will help each of recognize some of the judgmental parts of ourselves. Cost is $300. Please call St. Francis Springs Prayer Center (336) 573-3751 for reservations.
August 7-9
Latercha McKnight & Claire Cox-Woodlief Co-Leading
A Path to Racial Healing Retreat
St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, 477 Grogan Rd., Stoneville, NC
You are invited to participate in a contemplative retreat as we explore practical ways to have sacred and brave conversations towards ending racism. This retreat is for clergy and laity who hunger for a deep spiritual experience and who are interested in joining God in becoming agents of reconciliation. We will engage with biblical texts regarding equitable treatment of all God’s people, and we will learn about the mythological construction of race and the reality of racism in America and in the church. The hardest step in the healing process is coming to the table. We will engage in real conversation, asking difficult questions-and hearing difficult answers.
This retreat will include prayer, study, worship, and fellowship. We will spend time each day in silence, written and spoken word, prayer, worship and community sharing. Cost is $300.00. Please call St. Francis Springs Prayer Center (336) 573-3751 for reservations.
September 25-30
NC 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation
Rev. Dr. Velda Love, Topic: Racial Spirituality-Racial Self Care
and Rev. Jeremy Troxler, Topic: The Widow’s Way: Pursuing Justice and Peace Through Persistent Prayer and Direct Relationship
Trinity Center, 618 Salter Path Rd, Pine Knoll Shores, NC
Claire Cox-Woodlief, NC Academy Retreat Leader
For more information and to register, visit: nccumc.org
September-November 2022
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
7:00-8:30 pm ET (online)
Bryana Clover & Claire Cox-Woodlief Co-Leading
My Grandmother’s Hands Beyond-a-Book Study
In this beyond a book study experience, we will participate in a step-by-step process based on the latest neuroscience and somatic healing methods.
Sponsored by the North Carolina Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation. For more information, visit: ncspiritualdirection.org/events-and-studies
October 9-11, 2022
Latercha McKnight & Claire Cox-Woodlief Co-Leading
A Path to Racial Healing Retreat
Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 East Main St, Ludlow, PA
(see description for August 7-9 retreat above, the format will be very similar)
To learn more and/or register visit olmsteadmanor.org
To learn more about any of these offerings, or to invite Claire Cox-Woodlief and her collaborators to speak or lead an event for your organization, please e-mail claire@ccwtransformation.com.